Dijit TextBox Globalization Test

Natural Language Casing Mapping

Test DescriptionTestExpectedResultComment
Upper casing: Basic Latin
Upper casing: Latin with accents
Upper casing: TurkishSee #1.
Upper casing: Russian
Upper casing: GermanSee #1.
Lower casing: TurkishSee #1.
Title/Proper casing: LatinSee #1.

White-space Detecting

Test DescriptionTestExpectedResultComment
Normal space & tab
NO-BREAK SPACEFailed in IE. See #2.
EN QUADFailed in IE. See #2.

Issues & Comments

Issue #1 Not fixed. Avoid using this function of TextBox.

Strictly speaking, all casing manipulation must use ICU case mapping rules (routine). However, the default JavaScript routines used by Dojo do not support ICU case mapping rules in all browsers.

Issue #2 Not fixed. Avoid using this function of TextBox.

Trimming must get rid of all Unicode characters with the white space property. However, the default JavaScript routines used by Dojo do not support get character properties in some browsers like IE. Other browsers like Firefox might support trimming more white space characters.